Monday, January 23, 2012

Week 3 Weigh In

So I lost 5 lbs this week!!! I was happy with that. I do have to thank the wonderful 24 hour bug for most of that. I still got my five exercise days in (two of those were double workout days as well).

This past weekend was the hardest few days of the diet yet. We were at Jennifer and Chris's and we all were HUNGRY. All we did was talk about food. I have got to get out of that mindset. I need to focus on food for fuel and not enjoyment. I can enjoy food once again when I hit my maintaing point but that is still SO far away.

I am determined to reach my goal. I am the biggest non-achiever I have ever met. I never set a goal that I actually meet. I give up entirely too easy and I am determined not to do it this time. I am focussed right now on losing to a certain number before Disney. I feel if I can meet my smaller goals that it will be easy to meet my ultimate goal.

I still have not had caffeine. This is the longest I have ever gone. Even when I was pregnant I drank a little. Not everyday but when the craving hit!

Next week I will take a picture and post my inches lost!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day 15

We weighed in for Week #2 yesterday. I only lost 1 lb. Jason lost 5 lbs. So once again I didn't beat his percentage. Only 1 pound is a tad frustrating. My sister in law told me that when your muscles are sore you retain water. I am hoping that was the case yesterday! I do feel changes in my body after only 2 weeks. That keeps me motivated to keep going.

We have completed 2 weeks of no carbs. Only six more to go! It's been tough but not impossible.

I started adding in Jillian Micheals Ripped in 30 along with my 25 minutes of ellitical. I didn't get up in time to do anything before Jason went to work so I will have to do my workout when Lexi is down for her nap. Jillians new video is tougher than the 30 day shred. This first week isn't horrible but I am certainly sweating by the time I am done. Rex wanted to "workout" last night after I had finished mine so Jason turned the second week on. It looks TOUGH! It gets tougher each week so the thought of week four scares me!!

I just realized that in 5 weeks I have to be in a bathing suit. I know I can't be even close to where I want to be in 5 weeks but maybe some of my jiggle will have firmed up from the exercise

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day 9

Well yesterday was weigh in. I lost 7 lbs this week!!! That's a wonderful start but I do not anticipate that sort of weight loss in any other week. Most of that was probably water weight but I will certainly take it!

I bumped my elliptical time up by 5 minutes and set my highest level on the programs a little higher. I also have added in arms and abs for three days this week. Next week the plan is to get in 25 minutes of cardio in the morning and some sort of weight training in the evening after the kids are down.

I had set a goal this week to beat my husband in weight loss percentage. I missed by .3! He lost 11 pounds. If I have said it once I have said it a hundred times, men just lose faster.

This morning I was thinking about my ultimate goal (around 60 pounds) If I don't lose that amount on the scale I won't be disappointed as long as I see it in my body and feel better. Just a week and 7 lbs has made me feel so much better. That gives me the push to keep it up.

I have a birthday party, a wedding shower (during lunch time) and a baby shower this weekend. Ugh, cake and I can't have it. I just have to stick to it no matter what. I really want to get 3 lbs off this week.

I am keeping Jello and Cool Whip ( fat free of course) in business. It's one of the few things sweet we can have. I also allow myself a cup of decaf coffee with Splenda. It curbs the sweet craving as well! I cut my calories this week on top of the low carbs. I am trying to keep it between 1200-1350. I think that is reasonable. I do know cutting to an extreme won't help. Since we are eating so much protein it is keeping me fuller longer

Baby crying. I think chasing her should count as exercise!!!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Day 5

It is now day 5 of our journey to a fit 2012. I think I am past the "hump". I actually feel better today than I have any other day this week. I have drank more water this week than I used to drink in a month. All of last year I got in 64 ounces but I am easily putting away over 100 ounces this week each day.

I haven't missed a workout. We decided to start out light and work our way back into heavy. Jason and I both are doing 20 minutes on the eliptical. I also have done arms and abs every other day. Next week I am moving up to 25 minutes cardio/25 minutes weights. Rex starts back to school so it will be a little easier.

Weigh in for week 1 will be on Monday. Nervous and anxious to see if what I have been doing has paid off! I forgot to post a picture this week but will at start of week 2!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Bring it On 2012

I have decided to document my weight loss journey this year. Just another thing to hold me accountable. Jason did so well this past year and hopes to reach his goal weight by the end of 2012. I have a number in mind for myself but don't want to put the cart in front of the horse just yet! 12 pounds is my goal for the first 12 weeks. Jason wants to have 20 off in that amount of time. Guys can always lose quicker than the ladies!

Once again, we are doing a Biggest Loser challenge with Jason's family. Each week we get points for weight loss percentage, daily water intake, exercise, and Bible reading. Jason won the entire year last year. This year is MINE!!!

Today we started a new diet, It is called The Metabolism Miracle. It's basically a low carb diet. The first eight weeks is pretty much meat, green veggies, cheese and eggs. It is also a way to get Rex to eat a bit healthier, although he still gets carbs!

We also decided to stop drinking diet drinks. I have always heard you can lose more belly fat by doing this. It will be a rough week cutting caffeine as well as carbs. Sure hope my nerves can handle it!!!

Woke up this morning and tackled the eliptical. 20 minutes and some ab work has already made me sore and it's only 10 am!

Here is to a new year of getting fit for myself, my husband and my kids!